
Showing posts from May, 2019
"Atrium" Paper 10.5inx13in In the atrium of my high school, there were large windows that went up for what looked like miles. The sun came in through every single one of the windows and you could see the sky perfectly. Some beautifully shaped shadows would cascade through the entire area and that is what I wanted to portray in my piece. It is a simple piece, but I really wanted to focus on the clean shapes and beautiful shadows. I was hoping for my piece to produce the shadows and portray the beauty of that area I spent so much time in.
"We Will Box You" Wood, paint, red ribbon, paper, glitter, ink, & retainer case 12inx8in I saw the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody" and cried. It was a beautiful movie and put together with a lot of thought behind it. I wanted to choose a movie to portray that had nice meaning behind it and that I could take in multiple directions. I used the box to portray the Live Aid stage and used the five objects to represent different parts of the movie as well as elements of the song "Bohemian Rhapsody".
"It Tastes Like Candy" Wood, red & white ink 4inx1in When I was growing up, my father, like most parents, tried to get my brothers and I to eat our vegetables. To get us to try them, he would always say "come on, it tastes like candy!". To represent this memory, I created a carrot shaped piece with drilled holes in multiple places. Dripping out of the holes are red and white ink which represents the colors of a candy cane. The red and white are coming out of the carrot to show the taste of candy exiting the carrot-like piece. Line Depping
Wubby & Nubby Soap 3.9inx2 & 4inx2in
Windmill Balsa wood & black ink 13inx2.5in Windows Looking In Paper 2.5inx9.5in
"Stuck on Shoes" Masking tape 3.5inx10in