
Showing posts from January, 2019

Touch Assigment

"The Feeling Bubble" "The fingertips and tongue are much more sensitive than the back. Some parts are ticklish, and others respond when we itch, shiver, or get gooseflesh. The hairiest parts of the body are generally the most sensitive to pressure, because there are many sense receptors at the base of each hair."- Diane Ackerman Statement: The body is such a beautiful piece of art. Each part of our body is so carefully thought out with each piece having a purpose. We often complain about having hair in certain places, or our skin being too sensitive, but we have these feelings in our skin to protect us. Our skin is beautiful and purposeful and we should appreciate each and every part of it. "Kissing" "A kiss seems the smallest movement of the lips, yet it can capture emotions wild as kindling, or be a contract, or dash a mystery." - Diane Ackerman "Our lips are deliciously soft and responsive. Their touch sensatio...